Handling Conflicts at Your Rehab Facility

No one would argue with the fact that people are going to have different opinions at work and that these opinions will sometimes come into conflict. That’s not always a bad thing. Without such differences, innovation and improvement are not likely to occur.

As a physical, occupational or speech therapist, you will be working with other healthcare professionals on a routine basis, especially with the emphasis today on integrating healthcare for patients. And, with this collaboration, disagreements may arise from time to time.

How best to handle them? The first thing to do is plan ahead. This will help head off conflicts and find solutions that everyone can live with.

Because most people are anxious and awkward with conflict, disagreements don’t very often get resolved in an easy way. According to the experts, when conflict arises, those with more power win the day, or if the parties are roughly equal, they end up finding a position somewhere in between. But when this happens, no one is really satisfied with the solution.

But handling disagreements well begins with a strategy that is more common to diplomacy. It begins with having an open mind realizing that the other person may have some merit to his or her case, and that you can learn from that person. It takes time and effort you have to make the effort to look for a more creative solution.

The first step in finding this more creative solution is to prepare. This involves clarifying to yourself what your own position is, and taking the time to really try and understand the position of the other person. Experts say you need to know what your real intentions are.

Differences usually fall into three categories. The first is a difference in facts your facts don’t square with your co-worker’s. The second category is one of interpretation you and your co-worker are seeing the problem from different perspectives. The third category is one of relations the disagreement revolves around your relationship with your co-worker.

In trying to negotiate these differences, you should work to suppress your emotions and take a reasoned approach. The next step is to find some common ground to work from, even if it may just be coming up with some guidelines for discussion or on how to proceed. It is important, though, that the common ground be about something important, not something trivial.

The next step is listening to your co-worker’s side of the argument. This involves really making an effort to hear and understand what he or she is saying, not just figuring out how you can refute him or her. It involves asking questions to clarify what you don’t understand, and trying to figure out where the nub or heart of the disagreement lies. Then you want to take a shot at proposing a resolution but not what you may have originally planned. Your solution should incorporate the information that you gained from listening to your co-worker.

Centra Healthcare Solutions has many rehab therapy positions just waiting for a skilled professional to fill them. Whether you’re looking for the excitement of a travel therapy job, the flexibility of temporary positions or if you desire a regular, full-time position, contact us today.

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