I’m Bradley, and this is My Story

My name is Bradley and I am a Physical Therapist Assistant born and raised in Finksburg, Maryland. I am currently working as a travel PTA in Essex, Maryland at a skilled nursing facility. From the beginning of becoming a traveler, I fell in love. Being able to have the opportunity to work in so many places around the United States, in different settings, I’ve met people that will forever make a lasting impact on my life. I’ve learned from many great therapists and have expanded my own treatment plans from doing so. Being able to help so many different people in many areas has made me into a better, more well-rounded therapist. Being from a small area like Finksburg, I wanted to see more of the east coast. One of my assignments was located just outside of Washington, D.C. so I had the opportunity to visit many landmarks such as the nation’s capital, museums, and the National Harbor. Working for Centra was quite possibly the best decision I’ve made while being a PTA. One of the great things is that I’ve never been without a contract. My recruiter has been fantastic and very helpful throughout the way and has stuck by me through thick and thin. I recommend Centra to all that are interested in becoming a travel therapist. Get out there and see the world!